Maria Talks About Family….Reveals That She Is Not Her Mum’s Favorite Child

Random question;Do parents have a favorite child?! Like they love one of their kids more than others?!

We recently caught up with Namibian BBA  contestant Maria Nepembe,and managed to pick some rather interesting details about her childhood and family back home in Namibia

As a child, Maria says she was tomboy,she always preferred to hang with guys and enjoyed their company more than the ladies.Most of her friends from school were guys.

Being a tomboy she says may have had something to do with the fact that she grew up as the only girl among 3 boys.See one of her old pics below;
Among her brothers she says she doesn’t get along well with her elder brother,and adds also that he is her mum’s favorite.

See a photo of her with her elder brother below, she says;

I don’t get along with this nigger,but we are inseparable

maria nepembe elder brother
Maria also continues to reveal that her grand father,whom she is very close to is the most important person in her life.He is her inspiration and the one person who really makes her happy…..See a photo of them below;