A house without Biggie

Ever since the housemates found out about Biggie’s absence, they seem to have started laying back and taking as many naps as possible. The new Biggie or Figgie has rubbed off on them differently, but at least some of the housemates find their new host to be fun. The weather lately has also not been the best with rains experienced almost everyday thus forcing housemates to keep indoors preferably under the sheets.

After taking part in a much needed exercise session, some of the house retreated to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and they used this time to reminisce about the days when they’d just entered Biggie’s house. Tayo shared that the first day he watched in worry Permithias finishing three bottles of champagne and that he was also the first one to storm the Jacuzzi. Tayo further said that he even thought that Permithias would burn out in the house something he didn’t much to his surprise.

Idris also opened up on some of the housemates eating habits during the first days of the show. He said that they ate a lot without caring that the food would get finished. The conversation later changed to Figgie – a stand in for Biggie, with Ma’m Bea reasoning that housemates’ buttons may be pushed by Figgie thus preferred to have Biggie back as soon as possible. Samantha on the other hand seemed interested in Figgie because she was having more fun when in the diary room.

Biggie or Figgie?