A Home Of Their Own

Since they started the game, the housemates have made themselves comfortable and created a home out of the house. Flags from the participating countries are draped across various available surfaces, bringing colour and life to the house, and reminding everyone that this is Africa.

The bedroom constantly has a lived-in look with clothes strewn everywhere, and the scattered instruments a reminder of how much the housemates love music. It is also a popular gossip spot, and this morning Lilian, Esther, M'am Bea and Samantha were muttering amongst themselves about "dateable" housemates. Idris, Macky2 and Trezagah started their own relationship gossip, while they did their ironing.

When it comes to chores, housemates take turns cleaning and cooking, and a roster and schedule for the respective chores had even been drawn up. Samantha has taken her role as Head of House seriously, making sure everyone toes the line. This morning she even scolded others for not closing cupboard doors; but did it in a light-hearted tone so as not to come off too strict.

Biggie makes things tough for the housemates by only providing them with two hours’ hot water during the day, which of course paves the way for the legendary shower hour. When these commence most of the housemates can be found rambling through the bedroom, creating an even bigger mess in the bedroom.

Although the housemates get busy every morning keeping the house in order, there has been the occasional irate grumble in the diary room that not everyone is pulling their weight. Fans also think the housemates could be doing a much better job.