After Eviction: Luis Mourns Mira

First couple gets destroyed …Game on

What  becomes bloody in Big Brother is starting a showmance and get separated by the evictions. Yesterday’s very first eviction was not good for Namibia’s Luis as it shattered all his love hopes he had built in Mira. After a one week journey in the house, Luis had found Mira as one person with whom he wanted to connect  for the rest of his Big Brother life. Unfortunately, it was not their lucky day as the first eviction swept her away.

Luis  and Mira connected on the third day of the game after shifting his feelings he had for Nigeria’s Lilian. The 23 old Namibian Associate Producer was hotting for Lilian but after learning that she was not sharing the same  feeling, he backed off and spotted Mira who never gave him hard time but at this particular juncture, he’s back to square one.
In their short time, the duo spent some quality time together, cuddled, caressed,  almost (if not)  had sex and had vowed never to leave each other no-matter what was to happen on Sunday. After the eviction, Luis was saddened by Mira’s exit for which he was seen sickly and sadly seated alone nursing his wounds. Later on he  was joined by Sabina who consoled and encouraged him to only mourn his beau for a short time and  then focus on the game yet again.

“I know what you are feeling right now and it’s normal to feel this way but you shouldn’t  let this take away your focus on the game. You get time and mourn her then get over it and focus on your game again,” Sabina told Luis. This will be a wake up call to the other lovers  in the house to have a back up plan in case things turn out in a Luis-Mira way.

We  just hope that he gets over it and find courage to play his game yet again.