Birthday: Beautiful Ellah is 24 today!

It’s the third week of Big Brother Hotshots and we are also celebrating the third birthday in the Big Brother house, maybe this show should have been dubbed ‘BBB – Big Brother Birthdays’ because it seems we’ll be celebrating a birthday each week.

During the first week, Zambian rapper Macky2 turned 30, the second week saw Kenyan actor Alusa turn 34 and today, Ugandan beauty queen Ellah adds another year!

To kick start the celebrations, the Uganda rep was treated to a prompt show courtesy of Alusa and Frankie who played the guitar and sang respectively for her as she smiled and danced along.

“I’m hungry Biggie. It’s my birthday,” Ellah was over heard saying, probably signalling to Big Brother that the earlier he came through with a cake the better. Biggie will surely deliver.

Happy birthday to Ellah, wish her a great one in the comments’ section below and also go on our Twitter handle @BBAfrica and share the love.

Meanwhile, the Uganda beauty has been up for possible eviction three weeks in a row just like a few others and just last week, she hang by a thread and saw fellow country mate Esther leave the house. She must be lucky to have survived on Sunday as her birthday was just two days away!