Do you think Idris is going insane?

Last night before the drama turned to house suspected ‘girlish Frankie’ it first started with Idris. Funny as always he lead his way to Samantha’s bed for more famine help .The recently disappointed  Idris could not hold his tongue and  continuously told them what ever happened between him and Goitse ,he said the couple come to a final decision to seize the love and focus on the game .

Idris started off by telling a story of one of his past dates that drained his wallet  like crazy.”Can I tell you guys a story ,one day me and my Ex-girl friend went on a date and decided to go to the cinema,the movie to set to shown that night was HOBBIT. Do you know HOBBIT “,Idris asked. Samantha laughed.

Okay now back to my story.

Idris: Do you want any thing

Ex: Get me any thing

Idris: Really any thing…okay…

“Then I picked two ice cream cans,unfortunately the girl didn’t appreciate all that then she changed her choice to be replaced with a coke”, I went to the loose holding them in my hands and crashed them down by my self then bought her the coke.  Imagine I had forgotten my glasses at home so I had to by two 3D glasses which terribly reduced my credit  by forty-five dollars.

Ex:What took you so long

“This time round I was not watching the movie but I was seeing my self slapping the SHIT out of her.In a few minutes she was sleeping while bending her head down. Then I asked her

Idris: Honey why are you sleeping?

Ex: No am watching

Idris: Yet your head is down

Then she received a phone call from her friend as they called her to (Clud 9),ooh crape!!, now I have to escort her to the friend yet my movie had  not yet gotten in the middle of its cast. I don’t think am lucky when it comes to dates . Deehm!!!

Today in the diary room, he requested “Biggie” to ask him whether he is mad. Do you think Idris is going insane? Share your views..