Kacey Should Stop Fooling, He Likes Ellah!

And here comes my real where I have to write the truth basing in my instincts…………

Kacey Moore likes Ellah period!  Idris did  nothing wrong to tell Ellah what he felt about the situation. This act of detonating himself after Idris saying the truth is intended to divert us and his wife from thinking about his all time cuddling with the Ugandan beauty. I am getting pissed, I mean real  pissed at both of them, this Ellah acting saint is not helping when she pretty well knows that the guy has a wife and a daughter back home.

It was clear to see in the first week that they really liked one another and I think Ellah tried to draw back a little from that situation by shifting towards Frankie (the toothless tiger) but when Frankie’s fangs refused to come out she gradually went back to her first choice Kacey . The Ghanaian  has more to lose but he is too big headed to see this, hence all that gibberish directed at Idris yesterday.He should put some distance between himself and Ellah but that is not going to be easy because they are locked up in the same house 24/7.

Now that Idris spoke about the issue, Kacey had  alot to explain saying that his wife trusts him and he can’t jeopardize  that. He added that he is being close to Ellah because he is trying to prevent her from drinking excessively and control her when she gets drunk! Hmm, hope he is acting a father with Ellah being the grown version of her daughter  back home.  No matter how much she trusts her husband, Mrs Moore must boil with rage and humiliation when she looks at the father-daughter photo! I suppose Kacey also trusts his wife 100% to the extent that he will be cool when he learns that she has mother-son -hugs with a few hunks whenever she feels lonely!

Kacey said that  he does not feel anything body-wise, this is another LIE!  If Ellah had these microscopic boobs I  would swallow it but that lady carries things big enough to break any arm they rest on and probably make the pants deformed !The funiest part of his antics yesterday was when he kept saying to everybody that he had not set eyes on any boobies in that house.

Hearing him apologise in the Diary room to Africa, his wife and daughter, all I could read was the guilt written all over his face. Regretting why he had to swear a lot that it was the angry side of him, that was uncalled for as we managed to see his real side.

Is Kacey really telling the truth about Ellah?