Looming evictions: Resa worried!

Shortly after entering the Big Brother house last Sunday, the Hotshots were shocked to learn that they were all up for possible eviction apart from Laveda who had scooped the HoH crown after that stunner performance behind the Saxophone.

It’s the 4th day in the house and all seemed well but with each day that breaks, it surely seems like some of these housemates have started to realize that actually Sunday is not very far, thus pondering how to forge away around it and successfully make it back to the house after the Live Show.

Well Resa today talked to her buddy Sipe about her eviction blues and she seemed worried about Sunday wondering why Biggie had to put them all up especially when they’d had just entered the house. Reality also sunk in on the side of Sipe who also wondered what’s in store for them come Sunday.

We know it’s never easy to be on the verge of exiting the show especially just after a week but probably the least this worried pair can do is continue entertaining Africa and try to forget about the looming evictions, like Big Brother: “Let Sunday take care of itself!”

25 Hotshots are up for possible eviction, who do you think will be evicted?