Big Brother is starting to get heated up and attention seekers are already easy to notice. May be it is their strategy, but come on, is there anything like strategy? I refuse to subscribe to that notion. If you are an attention seeker, you are what you are and two people clearly stand out; Kenya’s own Sabina and Namibia’s Permithias.

Eish, last night was hard to watch. Sabina is a fine girl, matter fact one of the finest in the house but girl can talk! Does talking too much take away the sexy? May be yes, may be not. I honestly wish she were a little calmer, she would have been the it girl, Ellah is doing it and I am loving her (by the way, this has nothing to do with the Uganda in me). There are 26 housemates but monday night was all about Sabina. may be it was the alcohol, may be not. All in all,she would be more likeable if she were not so loud.

And then there was Permithias. Namibia has had quite some serious representation in the last few years but this boy could be taking it to another level. He is simply too much! He tried a ‘Denzel’ last night (Clearly he is Denzel’s fan). The whole walking in boxers thing isn’t working for me and what is worse is he was trying to wiggle naked last night. That is disgusting. Brother is trying too hard to impress. Being a wag might not be the right thing to do right now. I think for this week, if any housemate wants to stay past this sunday, they should be very smart in the diary room.

However, these are my views, you the reader might perceive them different. What do you think?