Tayo Doesn’t Deserve To Be Frankie’s Friend

Obviously my take will be biased cos I like Frankie….but in between my subjective view I will slot a lot of objectivity too for fairness and equity.

If someone thinks they have their mouth and ass and can talk when they want, how they want and with there ass can fart where it pleases them and when…..should the same right not be extended to someone who has the right to vent where they like and for how long?

First I personally think Frankie’s anger was cut short….I said it yesterday that the reconciliation meeting was a bad idea and I wrote severally that I wish Frankie will walk away.

There was not enough time for both Tayo and Frankie to vent l…..realise their mistakes and truly feel sorry for the part they both play In the fight. Therefore I was not surprised  to read that Frankie went on with the beef after their supposed “reconciliation “. If anyone sincerely watched that reconciliation and is sincere to themselves, who spoke most of the time?….I recall saying that the way Tayo was going about that peace talk was wrong, he was extremely defense, excusing his actions and inactions, boastful, and kept saying how disappointed he was with Frankie …repeatedly. At a point I flipped the channel cos I couldn’t stand it anymore. And all through Frankie kept nodding like a lizard and chipping in words as much as he could. Even when the peace party was on going, Frankie didn’t interrupted Tayo but as soon as Frankie started to talk…Tayo interrupted to the point that the house reminded him that he had his turn and Frankie allowed him talk.

If I was in that situation I would have walked away….personally I take time to vent, reflect, heal and reach out, anything short is insincere and I don’t roll like that. I was mad at both for even allowing that reconciliation party to be convened at first instance, my Frankie making a note and Tayo saying how he is an international model who has wined and dined with queens and kings…smh.

I personally hope that this friendship is done for, I will hate that Frankie will still pretend to be his friend and gossip about Tayo behind him…..that is not cool. I really don’t think they have anything in common and should part ways. Am curious to see the next male Tayo will bond with in that house…….he will probably turn Sam into a guy

And if Frankie feels he needs to vent and for whatever duration…he must do so. If the person handing out stuff is not mindful of how it comes across, it’s the right of the person receiving to determine how to handle that which was received. Reconciliation my ASS