A lot people are bored already with the show, simply because nobody is fighting yet. Everybody is still cool with everybody and nobody is kissing on nobody-yet. Well, i guess they are right. I don’t remember a season starting and egos don’t fly immediately- this house is weird. But let’s look at some of the reasons that could have caused the calm around the house so far.

First mistake Biggie did was to put everybody up for eviction. He put everybody up for eviction besides Laveda who won the head of house on the first night. Let me explain why this has caused the calm and absolutely no strife in the Hot Shot house. Since everybody knows they are up for eviction, none yet wants to fight any housemate because they are still trying to put a facade for Africa so they can garner the votes good enough to keep them in the house come this Sunday. But they are forgetting that every country is voting their own so it wouldn’t make a difference, so whether you fight or not, only your country is likely to vote for you because everybody else is up for eviction. The only person that is guaranteed to stay on Sunday is Laveda and most likely Idris who happens to hail from the same country as Laveda and that is Tanzania. And this is because only Idris won’t need to split the country vote.

Yesterday, there was a moment when the crazy Namibian Permithias pranked that Nigerian chic Lillian (the one who has lost her voice. Now i am sure you remember) and I felt like Lillian should have caused hell,being the loud Nigerian girl she is. Well she was sad but I kind of wanted some sort of war to happen. well, if you have forgotten what the Namibian boy did, let me reiterate. The homie got a condom and poured milk in it and playfully accused Lillian of being responsible for the semen-look- alike liquid in the condom. Eish, we wanted war but nothing happened. May be it is because of her dead voice, may be she is being nice so she doesnt leave the house on sunday.

Comeon Lillian, you are Nigerian, you wont leave on the first eviction!

The other reason is Biggie has tremendously reduced the amount of liquor he is giving to housemates. Biggie get this, there is no ego accelerator better than liquor so please, pour in some more liquor. This calm is not good. For God’s sake even Esther is quiet.