Biggie’s whereabouts?

If you’ve noticed, Biggie has gone silent since last night and housemates have since been worried and wondering whether they’d done something wrong and that the old man was probably mad at them. Today, Biggie continues to be absent and it’s the bazaar that has been doing most of the work for him like calling HoH Sipe to the Diary room for task briefs.

In one of the summons, Sipe came back into the house and read out to housemates that Biggie was not available but diary sessions had to continue. She read out the instructions they’d be following, each housemate would spend five minutes in the Diary room.

JJ went first and shared about the fights happening in the house between the men and women with the latter feeling prejudiced. He also sent his shout outs to his family and friends.

A giggling Butterphly came in next and it kind of sounded and looked weird to her, she seemed to be having a lot to share and only stopped when her five minutes elapsed.

Oh by the way, where’s Big Brother?