Butterphly Punished!

Big Brother is always watching and he never misses anything as long as it’s within the confines of his house. Well, as earlier hinted on, Butterphly indeed did make movements during the Freeze task on Saturday that saw two hot male models come into the house much to the excitement of the ladies.

This afternoon, Biggie told all housemates to gather in the lounge, played a footage from that particular Freeze task after which he dished out his latest punishment. “Butterphly, for the next 48 hours, Biggie plays a track she has to stop what she is doing and give the nearest male a lap dance,” stated Biggie. Unlike Goitse who automatically went up, Butterphly was not given a similar punishment because her movements weren’t deliberate as one of the guests made continued contact with her.

After the announcement, Housemates were overly excited especially the men of the house. Tayo in particular begged Biggie to play the track already so that he gets a lap dance from “Butti Butti”.

Butterphly took the punishment in good faith, smiled and apologized for breaking the task’s rules.