A Massage Treat To Start A Day!

Rub here….and here…and here, then there,there, there and the…..r…e!

Wow!  What a beautiful and beautifool  way to start a day! Looks like  Mr.265 is clicking  with the females though not yet successful. While some housemates were still glued to their beds enjoying their morning warmth and others engaged in conversations, Malawi’s Mr.265 was robbing with  his hands while rubbing M’am Bea’s  thighs. Yeah, It’s a good way to start a brand new day. But as it was getting beautiful and more beautiful  for  M’am  Bea, it was getting exactly opposite for the Malawian lad….Not ugly, but beautifool! Yes, he was getting fooled and diverted from his main intention.

We have seen 265 starting flirty sessions with the ladies in the house but all turned to be  nightmares for him because he aint getting a thing.  Last night as  him, JJ, Samantha, Alusa and Esther were  in the kitchen, he tried to throw some  lines to Samantha who boldly  snapped him that she prefers staying single as she came to the house…Then that was real crap! But as far as things are concerned with the Malawian,  it seems like he’s one of the fans of  the “Never give up” saying…. he is still trying his luck and see where and how things will end. Could M’am Bea be his next target? Let’s keep eyes open.

The two had a lengthy talk in which they  got to know more about each other  and both seemed to have liked it which could be a good start to make a relationship. The duo was later joined by Kacey and they shared conversation about dishes, Glad that we got to  know dishes in Malawi and Ghana.

Where do you think Mr.265 will end?