Lilian & her voice

For two days now, Nigerian beautiful rep Lilian is a ‘shadow’ of her own self/voice so to say after she lost her voice and currently, it evidently takes a lot of effort from her to put a message across, it’s also hard for the other Hotshots to know what she’s saying most of the time.

A quick look through the social media platforms suggests that Fans of the reality show are somewhat starting to get irritated with her voice as she keeps on shouting which won’t actually help her in her healing process. Most of them are of the view that she’s probably faking it but poor Lilian surely lost her voice, at least according to what we’ve seen in the past few days.

Meanwhile, Permithias too seems to have lost his voice and now talks more like a ‘little lady’. Hmmm… What’s  with Hotshots and their voices? Well, we hope both housemates recover their normal voices in time for the task presentations later today, other wise, we are bound to have an interesting show tonight.

Watch the space!