Biggie warns housemates!

Housemates have been responding to the Freeze Task well until recently when Biggie noticed that they’d started pulling off rule breaking stunts and thus warned them after explaining how they’d to go about it.

Shortly after today’s Freeze task which saw little folks enter the house, it was easy to notice some housemates pulling faces. Goitse closed her eyes as soon as she saw the midgets enter the house, she also cried something that showed her reaction and emotions towards the task. Sipe grounded herself as Biggie made the announcement.

Biggie is always watching and hearing everything thus sternly warned the housemates that they risk automatic nomination should they pull faces, make any movements, close their eyes or bend. They were also advised to freeze in motion as soon as Biggie makes an announcement.

Hopefully, housemates have learnt their lesson, it’s now left to time to reveal to us how they’ll be reacting at the next Freeze task.

Who do you think has been cheating by far?