Task: ‘Living in Biggie’s crib’

It’s an interesting week given the tasks Biggie’s handed out to housemates thus far and for Wednesday’s presentations, the task has been dubbed Living in Biggie’s crib and housemates have to come up with a Musical Comedy skit. Big Brother will provide props to help them get appropriately into character.

The housemates were told that outside on the deck, they would find a variety of resources to work with. Hotshots were told to use the items to create quirky props for Wednesday’s presentation. Biggie said that the props should be suitable for a variety of impromptu comedy situation and scenes.

Housemates were urged to be creative with the materials provided and come up with funny and very interesting props to look stunning on presentation night. Just to make them understand the task better, Big Brother provided a video clip which seems to have done the magic as housemates giggled through it.

With all the materials at hand, we hope housemates nail this Comedy oriented task!