What could Big Brother be up to?

After this week Tayo may have a lot of reason to ask “Are you mad?” For one thing, housemates have to contend with the hard music pulsating through the house at odd times. They were all thoroughly confused about it, with JJ pointing out that it was not comedic music at all. What could Big Brother be up to?

Another reason they just might lose it, is the jangling country music and the constant carousing chants of “howdy howdy hey” ringing through the house as they rehearse for the task. It really started to sound like the housemates had been transplanted into the American South, and one could almost imagine a cowboy swinging into the house.

“Howdy” is an informal greeting from the southern states of the U.S.A which actually originated with the Native Americans who used it as a way of greeting Anglo settlers. Although the initial meaning was meant to be “how are you?” it is now used predominately as an alternative way of saying hello.

Housemates were having an absolute ball with the silly lyrics, and there was a lot of giggling amongst them, especially after Big Brother opened the store room and the wine started flowing. In addition, housemates have a random assortment of props in an array of colours to work with and the results on Wednesday should be hilariously creative.

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They all started having even more fun making playful jabs at one another as they wrote rhymes such as “Trezagah is snoring, early in the morning”, alternated with “Early in the morning, Idris is so boring.” The latter subject of the song took it good-naturally, and JJ thought it might just be one of the best tasks they had ever received, because of the happy vibes, with housemates cracking up every time they thought of a new rhyme. Do you think the housemates could get any sillier?