Frankie & Ellah iron out differences

It was not only excitement that followed the task presentations and Wager win yesterday, as some housemates lost their cool over matters of the heart and this morning, Sipe and Ellah tried dissecting what had happened yesterday and the conversation changed to how Frankie felt about the latter. Frankie told Ellah that she had unnecessarily sworn angrily at him because she felt offended when he revealed his feelings towards her during the Comedy task.

However, the two had a chat in the bedroom and talked over things. Ellah apologized for swearing and the two seem to have buried their hatchet. Ellah also said that they’d continue having their conversation after regaining her stamina because she still felt yesterday’s drink up effects.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Goitse who was on cleaning duty this morning had an altercation with Mr.265 after she refused to wash his dish and went as far as swearing at him. Mr.265 angrily reasoned that she shouldn’t have sworn at him because after all he also did the dishes yesterday yet he wasn’t on duty.

Now that Ellah and Frankie are back on the same page without any bad blood, will they finally strike a relationship bearing in mind that she now knows how he feels about her?