Task: Don’t laugh!

Housemates deserve a massive round of applause for making it through the first freeze task. Moments after housemates received the brief about freezing, Biggie put the game into play. Permithias and JJwere caught outside in the rain and as the water streamed down their bodies they received a special guest wearing nothing more than a pair of leopard-print underwear, his body glistening in the rain as he gyrated around the two men. But they remained absolutely frozen, not even twitching their lips into a smile.

Biggie’s very special, very shiny guest, glided into the house, working his way through everyone in the house. Goitse and Samantha, in the kitchen, looked like their faces had been carved out of stone. With no success in the kitchen, Biggie’s freeze partner moved upstairs to tempt the half-slumbering housemates. The whole moment was made even more excruciating for the Hotshots, and hilarious for the fans, as smooth jazz flowed through the house. Watch them here:

As soon as Biggie’s guest moved out and the music faded, Biggie’s voice announced that the housemates could unfreeze and everyone started shrieking and laughing, relieved that it was over. They chattered excitedly about where and how they got stuck, and JJ and Permithias rushed out of the rain. Tayo was not at all impressed with the game; while Samantha said she would stop wearing make-up or doing anything that required too much effort. The housemates certainly want to avoid anything that will make freezing difficult. Africa, of course, was free to laugh as much as they liked and fans thoroughly enjoyed the moment.